Hello! Since starting this blog, I have received an abundance of emails and comments full of questions. To help resolve any confusion and to provide transparency, these are a few of the most Frequently Asked Questions (or FAQs) and their answers.

Why is your blog called Make Your Mark?
That is a good question and one I really enjoy answering. First of all, my son’s name is Mark. So there is that bit of homage. Another reason I chose to call this Make Your Mark is because I am a firm believer that everyone has the ability to make a difference, to leave a mark on this world, so to speak. In his 2 years of life so far, Mark has had quite the journey. Together he and I have met some exceptional people who were in the trenches of the NICU soon after us. There were others who experienced traumatic births or received a lifelong diagnosis such a Cerebral Palsy later on in life. It is important to me to make sure that we make a difference or an impact in someone’s life- even if that means it’s making a difference in our own life. I hope to make an impact by writing this blog, letting others know that they are not alone in motherhood or parenthood. I hope Mark makes a difference by not letting his Cerebral Palsy diagnosis limit him or define him. So I guess the real question now is:
How will you Make Your Mark?
How can I make a donation to Mark’s Mission?
Let me start by saying thank you so much for considering donating to this cause! To make a donation, you can visit our Mark’s Mission Amazon Wishlist by clicking here. We are grateful for your donation!
Are the articles published on this page real?
Yes. Everything you are reading on Make Your Mark is real. These events are true and actually happened. The conversations and quotes are word for word, unless stated otherwise.
When can I expect new articles to be released?
As it stands right now, you can expect new articles to be released on Monday each week. This may change over time, but I will let everyone know if it changes for some reason or another. You can also click here to subscribe for emails when new articles and updates are posted.
What if I want to submit my own article? How can I do that?
Make Your Mark is committed to bringing together parents of all backgrounds and beliefs. I created this blog to share our journey and would love to hear (and share) yours! If you are interested in becoming a Guest Blogger, hop on over to our Contact page for more information.
I want to help families who went through something similar. What can I do?
It is hard to answer this for the simple reason of every family is different. We all process trauma and emotions differently. If you’re looking for a general answer, I would have to say, make yourself available to them. Whether that means making yourself available for them to vent, or offer to get their mail from the mailbox, or even getting them out of the house for a cup of coffee or a drive (social distance while in public of course). There is also a new tab coming called Mark’s Mission where you will be able to help families in the NICU by purchasing a preemie onesie and book for donation. This promotes bonding between families and gives an opportunity for a positive experience in the NICU. Another way to help is to share this blog with them! Bringing together families who may be experiencing similar situations is what this blog was made for!